
With all your senses

Finally arrived! On a Sunday afternoon, I start my one-week break at "The Original FX Mayr". Here is my experience report ...

The welcome is extremely warm, everyone is incredibly friendly. Everything is taken care of. I go straight to my cozy junior suite with a view of the lake and then inquire about my afternoon tea-time house and surroundings in joyful anticipation. In the garden, I get to know the first guests around the open fire. Among them are two warm English women, one of whom comments on the less tasty cookies for tea with a British nose: “My Dog Milo would not eat that …”.

The next morning, I start the weekdays with light exercises. After breakfast, consisting of a home-baked buckwheat roll and a glass of sheep’s milk yoghurt – later there is sometimes some cheese or egg – we go to the initial medical examination. It is weighed, measured and discussed in detail about existing complaints or pre-existing conditions. My supervising physician, Dr. Ursula Muntean-Rock, is at my side until the last day as competently and empathetically as one could wish for and takes time for each of my questions. After the first visit with her, an individual program for my stay will be created. During the week, we go to metabolic analysis, osteopathy or ortho-bionomy. Up to water aerobics, everything is on offer that mobilizes me and relaxes me at the same time. Because there’s one thing you want to avoid at all costs: stress. Therefore, it is also requested that smartphones be avoided in the restaurant. Instead of going online as usual, this week I’m going alternately to singing bowl meditation, lectures on nutrition and exercise, and hikes through the surrounding landscape. During the summer months, people meet for yoga on the jetty directly on Lake Wörthersee. There is a sauna and even a pedal boat. Dreamlike!

After the treatments, you will meet for lunch. The dining room is fully glazed towards the lake and offers a view of the sky and the surrounding mountains. Individually prescribed dishes are served: homemade soups and delicious vegetable dishes with the occasional fish or meat side dish. My favorite: the vegetable pizza! Alkaline, fresh and easily digestible. In the process, I learn that conscious enjoyment is an immensely important part of the cure. In addition to extensive chewing, this also includes silence at the table in order to concentrate undisturbed on prudent food intake. However, I couldn’t always follow this rule – the people from all over the world that you met here were too interesting. By eating small portions slowly, you notice within a very short time how quickly a feeling of satiety sets in that you hardly notice in everyday life. I would never have thought this possible, but after being increased from 300 to 500 calories per day, I soon feel full and completely comfortable with the very manageable portions. When I eat my broth with a tiny spoon every evening after a packed day, I actually get up from the table well satisfied. With a wealth of impressions, my eventful days here come to an end.

In addition to the medical examinations and applications, it is the diet that is a central component of the FX Mayr cure. And I learned here how to adapt my diet to the individual needs of my body and how to implement this permanently in everyday life. My summary of the week: What I was able to experience here at Lake Wörthersee is overwhelming. Three kilograms lighter and with a waist circumference reduced by seven centimeters, I drive home energized and completely satisfied. But I’d love to come back – to be continued!


The newly designed module is a holistic regeneration program for body and soul. “The Original Mayr Cure is a holistic regeneration programme for body and soul. ” A blessing for all those who long for a new sense of well-being and more health,” says Managing Director Gabriella Schnitzler.


With the 7-day Mayr Basic programme, you are taking the first step towards a permanently new attitude to life. Treat yourself to a valuable time-out for body and mind, during which you can shed superfluous ballast – regeneration and relaxation in wonderful peace. Practice mindfulness and get new energy for everyday life.

7 days Mayr Basic Program

1.750,- Euro for 7 days per person excl. Accommodation


Get rid of unnecessary ballast and feel wonderfully light. With this module, you can enhance the healthy weight loss effect of your FX Mayr cure. They stimulate your metabolism in a targeted manner and break down fat deposits even better. With high-quality therapies, individual training and sound nutritional advice, we pave the way for you to achieve your desired weight.

Inquire now


“Enjoyable recipes for a life in balance.” The new cookbook from the original FX Mayr: A valuable companion for all those who want to complete their original FX Mayr cure at home or establish a beneficial Mayr lifestyle in the long term. 29 euros, to order here .

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